We set up our landing page a few weeks ago and started building our product. We hadn't shared the site with anyone, so we we weren't expecting any traffic yet. Although we had added placeholders for links to our social media presence, we hadn't created any of the accounts yet. Even the 'Join the Waitlist' button was just a placeholder. LOL We didn't even have an email address on the site where we could be reached for more information!

It turns out that people found the site and were trying to join the waitlist. We discovered this when we noticed that people were trying to sign-in with Google. Our developers are the only ones are allowed to fully access the app that way, but we still saw some remnants of their attempts. We thought that we really ought to give people a proper way to join the waitlist.

So, the form has been fixed and now you can join the waitlist. You will receive an email asking you to confirm that you really want to be on the waitlist. This is just to try to prevent unscrupulous folks from signing up other people instead of people just signing up for themselves. We don't want to contribute to people's spam problems.